Wednesday 24 October 2007

These last days have been fabulous. Friday 19th Oct I went down to Bristol at an ANSA (Association of Norwegian Students Abroad) kick off which was really more like a social gathering. 50 Norwegian students were booked into the Bristol Thistle Hotel and we enjoyed nice meals and each others company. Saturday I tried paintball which was a totally new experience and I was quite anxious before it. Anyway, it was nice to live in complete luxury for a weekend, and we didn’t even pay much for it!
Sunday 21st I took the train up to Edinburgh were I met the other Norwegian students (you know the 40 girls and 2 guys I have mentioned before) from the college. The journey took me 10 hours, but I was lucky managing to sleep 7-8 of them away. What else is there to do on the train except from sleeping, reading, eating, watching the view or talk to your neighbour?

Edinburgh is a lovely city with its dramatic Castle crowning the very centre. We visited the Scottish Parliament, an extremely modern building situated by the foot of the highest mountain in Scotland: Arthur’s Seat. To escape the mainstream, Sarah and I went hiking as the Vikings we are, and had a fantastic view from the very top.
Yesterday, on Tuesday, the coach took us to Lindisfarne which is famous for the tide making it impossible to escape or arrive. The road to the “island” is often under water, therefore it has been built a little hut which people can climb into while seeing their car flow away with the tide. At Lindisfarne we walked out to the old Church which is being surrounded by the ocean.

An hour later we stopped in Alnwick, where we wandered along the streets watching one of the Castles where the Harry Potter films has been shot. Last stop was Durham, the city of Billy Elliot, where we went into the well known Cathedral (which is, in fact, also a location for Harry Potter.) I came home yesterday evening, tired after having fun realising I had got lots of things to fix and homework to do. I sort of got a bit sad because the travelling was done and I felt everything was going back to normal, but Gillian cheered me up when I needed it. She said I had to allow myself not to be so structured all the time and I agreed. Today I’ve been starting my homework for half term (the autumn vacation) had a little walk in Acomb Shops with Tyler (the dog) and chilled with James and Tamara watching the film “Little Miss Sunshine”

Well, I guess that was a bit of updating. Soon we will be eating fajitas, James’ one and only dish.

Friday 19 October 2007

Bad Bike News

Yesterday, the bike was stolen. I parked and locked it outside the kick-boxing and when Craig, the trainer went out an hour later, only the front wheel and the locker were left. Assumable the chavs of Foxwood did it just for the sake of it and I have still a tiny hope that Craig or anyone else will find it bushed in a park…
You never know what you actually have got until you lose it. Appreciate your bike while you have still got it!

Thursday 18 October 2007

Hellu Hellu

I feel ready to go to Bristol and Edinburgh for half-term. This week has been good and me and other norwegians have made great progress. (Not to mention that Thea had the best score in class on a Maths test. Congratulations dear!)

By the moment I feel that life flows better and that's a feeling I have worked for, by organising lots of things (as listed below.) Additionally I have joined kick-boxing twice a week. A totally new sport, but Hey, why not?

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Good Bike News

Customer-Service Man at Tesco fixed the biked! Tjohoo. Relieving.

Congratulation Dad!

Tuesday 9 October 2007

Tuesday 9 Oct

Today the rain is pouring down. It's Tuesday, that means a lot of work in front of me... There is so much to do, to fix, to sort out. After delievering the bike to service, it took me 3 visits to the Halford's to have it back. (You know one of these places which always say the bike will be ready and then it's not. )

Trying to keep all the enoying things seperated and to not let them influence my life, I'll write a list (inspired by Naiv. Super.)

1.The Bike Issue. As written above, it took me a lot of time and effort to actually get my bike out of that so-called Service Shop. I delievered it Friday and one of the staff, lets call him Gilbert, assured me the bike would be ready 4pm on Monday. 5pm on Monday I enter the shop (after a long walk to be able to get there). Gilbert shook his head and disappoitningly said the bike wasn't ready. He ask me to wait 2 minuits while he fixed it. Realising it had gone 10 minuits I was in a bit of a hurry, espesially because I didn't have the bike to get home in time for dinner. He promised me the bike would be ready by that time tomorrow. Tuesday 16.30 pm I am tired after a looong day, but walking towards Halford's which is a walk of an hour. Shop closed 17.30pm, and as I get there 17.32, the same Gilbert cannot give me my bike even though the bike is standing there!!!! Argh. Yet another day I have to survive without my friend, the bike.
The temporary end of the bike is quite happy. Thursday, I hurry in after college and the staff reconises me (even though Gilbert is not there..) and I can finally cycle home to 11 Hobgate.

Me and my bike were perfectly Okay until yesterday when I parked it outside Tesco's while I shopped dark rye bread and crisp bread. When I came out, the front was buckled, and no longer perpendicular to the rest of the bike, which I assume a row of trollies did when bumping into the bike. The story of me and my happy bike didn't last forever...

Living In York, I realise there is a lot to fix and I this month I have been busy trying to sort things out. Here is a list of what I have accieved so far.

I have:

  • got a bike (including light, locker and service)
  • joined Jazz Band and a flute group at College
  • joined Ashtanga yoga (each Monday)
  • found dark bread
  • swopped from English Law to Philosophy
  • got a little job, which is ended....
  • registered at dr. Wallace
  • found a driving teacher who can speak norwegian!!
  • bought waterproof trousers (very needed here!)
  • got some English friends
  • done a lot of researching so that I can easier live here. (such as cycling around in York and get to know the place. And such as getting all these Member Cards ;York Library Card, National Railway Card and Tesco member card)
  • planned trips to Bristol and Edinburgh (bought tickets and so on.)

Smaller, but nevertheless done. I Have:

  • watched my first rugby-match at the local pub, the Fox
  • got English friends at facebook!

Lists are to be continued...

I think therefore I am!

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Life at the Dartons

Everybody wonders how my host family is like. For your information I can tell a bit J Quickly, I have found my place in the house of the Dartons. Hostmother, Gillian, is a caring woman who has many to take care of. In addition to being a teacher, she has three children, a Mum with Parkinson’s, two (barking) dogs and, as a tip of the ice berg, a crazy Norwegian girl living in her house. Haha. My two oldest host-siblings, James, 19, and Hannah, 18, have both recently moved to London to go to Uni, all though James probably will come back within weeks because he don’t feel too well being away from home. Yeah right, I think… If I can move to England then he should manage a student’s life in the city that never sleeps!

Anyway- I really like both of my host sisters; Hannah (who I wouldn’t see before Nov) and Abigail, 14. Before Hannah went down, I started working at the same place as her, The Maze, where I met lots of nice people. Unfortunately, the Maze is now closed for the winter, so I only worked two weekends. Nevertheless, those two weekends where lovely and a great fun in addition to earning a portion of desperately needed money. The pounds disappear quickly in this land, even though I am quite economic. Some of the other Norwegian girls have al ready spent a whole fortune over here, which is, in a way, understandable. “Money is supposed to circulate,” a sentence of wisdom my Dad once taught me!

To be honest, I sometimes feel a bit down. What tend to bring me down are the extremely long days at college (as described earlier). It is really hard to keep concentrated during such a long time, and sometimes I just want to be taken care of. Fortunately are there a lot of people to cheer me up if I need it, and I also help others in need. It’s like the group of Norwegians at the college support each other and it works like a safety net for us. We are 40 girls in all and only two boys. Quite fun, actually. We stick together even though we all are starting to get to know more English people. I’m sure that after this year they will be like my third family, because it feels a bit like home when we can have a normal conversation in Norwegian.

I hope to give you an accurate description of how I feel. That is why I’m honest. If I had not, you wouldn’t actually believe me when I’m telling you how wonderful it is as well. Because it is. Here I can be whoever I want to be. I will always be myself, but I will also develop my personality while I’m here. I’ve al ready started. I start to know myself better. I know where I’m from, and it’s good.

Also, I learn to appreciate things. Things I would usually take for granted, I now see in a different perspective. Such things as Norwegian (or Danish for that matter) rye bread and warm bathroom floors are both something I haven’t found her yet. I doubt I will ever find anything reminding me of freshly baked rye bread! I really understand how much I have got at home: A whole life which I’ve switched to pause for a while. Here I have a new life to live, and it is very exciting. Gain new experiences every day and discover a new City.

To sum up today’s writing I have to mention what a sweet and historically wonderful York is. When I walk through the streets, looking around me, I catch myself thinking how lucky I am.


Det aa vaere borte hjemmefra har sine goder. Jeg lever fritt, og bestemmer for det meste over meg selv. Det aller beste er naar jeg mestrer noe. Da har jeg liksom bare meg selv og takke. Om jeg forstaar noe engelskmennene ikke forstaar (dog det skjer ikke svaert ofte) foles det veldig godt. Det er i tillegg svaert saa morsomt naar vi nordmennene snakker norsk med hverandre og ingen skjonner baeret.

Som nordmann blir jeg glad langt ned I hjerterota naar en og annen forvillet engelskmann vil laere litt god gammaldags norsk, eller lurer pa hvordan det er. Jada, dere kan tro jeg reklamerer villt. Jeg har fortalt om 17. mai, isbjorner paa Svalbard, bunader, midnattssol, nordlys, den vakre kysten og selvfolgelig nevnt vikingene. Samtidig som det gjelder aa ikke prate I det kjedsommelige om dette fagre hjemland, gaar skravla let tom noen putter pa 5 pence.

Mitt maal her borte tror jeg maa vaere aa faa min vertssoster Abigail, 14, til aa digge norsk musikk, (inkludert Boyzvoice) og laere henne alle Terkel I Knipe-sangene. (Tror forresten atd et er mulig aa leie Terkel In Trouble her borte!) Weei! Neida, det er mye jeg vil gjore, men det er sannelig mye jeg gjor ogsaa saa jeg er I god gang. Har begynt I et Jazz Band vi har paa colleget, og vi skal ogsaa spille I en liten floytegruppe. Etter aa ha faatt oversikt over yogamulighetene gjor jeg naa ashtanga yoga inne I byen, og det gir velvaere. Jeg liker aa gjore ting som faar meg til aa glemme at jeg er norsk, og som setter meg paa lik linje som engelske, samtidig som jeg ogsaa liker aa vaere litt anderledes. Det kommer egentlig litt an paa settingen. Noen ganger er det herlig aa bli set tog bli lagt merke til. Andre ganger er det deilig aa gjemme seg litt bort, vaere en del av mengden. Hvis jeg foler meg lite hoy I hatten syns jeg det hjelper aa bare observere- folge med paa folk. Det er for eksempel et frirom aa vandre med min kjaere iPod i orene og se paa mennesker. Kanskje hores det litt rart ut, men det gir meg paa en maate litt inspirasjon. Litt inspirasjon til aa fortsette aa leve mitt liv paa min maate. For meg blir det ganske logisk- jeg ser rett og slett plukker opp det jeg vil!

Hey, Hey, Hey

Lager ei lita blogg for dere der hjemme saann at det blir lettere aa folge med paa hva som skjer her borte. Foler det er litt som aa hoppe etter Wirkola.

All New, All the Same. Det ER mye nytt aa forholde meg til. Nye systemer, nye regler, nytt spraak, nye busstider, nye laerere, nye venner og ny familie. Jeg vet liksom ikke helt hvor jeg skal begynne. Hele tiden opplever jeg nye ting. Det er veldig spennende, for jeg foler allerede at har vaert her en god stund, men allikevel er det slitsomt. Timeplanen min paa York College starter 9.00 og varer til 16.30. Fredagen er min luksusdag, jeg begynner 11.30 og slutter 13.10. De andre dagene foles fryktelig lange innimellom. Spesielt den forste uka var hard. Jeg folte meg veldig lite intelligent der jeg satt paa forste rad i fysikken og ikke hadde peiling paa hva som foregikk. Heldigvis fant jeg fort ut at formler er mine venner, for de betyr det samme paa norsk og engelsk!

Colleget er enort stort. Det gaar 3500 AS og A-level elever her, i tillegg er det stappa med 2500 deltids elever-folk som tar deltidskurs. Det lonner seg aa vaere tidlig ute saa du finner fram, eller i tilfelle du blir forsinket pga at trappen er blokka av folk... Det er folk overalt. Den eneste tiden jeg er alene er naar jeg lukker soveromsdoren for aa sove.